Thursday, March 5, 2015

Chibi Commission Collection: RukakoMaiden

Commissions requested by RukakoMaiden

It's really cool to see the change in my style and how I draw when, as mentioned previously, people who commissioned me from like a few years ago come back and commission me again.

Chibi Commission Collection: nekiv and suminoio

Past commissions requested by nekuiv and suminoio.

The top one is actually 2 commissions of the commissioners themselves that can be combined together. The bottom one is another commission a couple years later of suminoio's OC Ritsu.

I mentioned in my previous posts about the reception I got from two wonderful commissioners and how heartwarming it was to hear such great things from them but I also want to mention the response I get from several of my returning commissioners is also just as heartwarming, especially now as my work changes as the years go by, as you can see up above. It really is a great feeling when you draw something for someone and then a couple of years later, they come back to ask for another.

So this goes to not only to both bambi and riarujack those who have commissioned me for the first time, but to all my returning commissioners, thank you for your support for my work and coming back to commission from me, whether its the next month, next year or several years later. 

Honestly I've been having a bad couple of months with some family and work trouble and have been a bit unmotivated, which is why the commissions and art posts have disappeared for a bit, but to get such great words spoken from you guys and how happy you guys are with your commissions really brightens up my day and makes everything worth it.

Chibi Commission Collection: Bammbiieyes

Commissions requested by Bammbiieyes

The other one of the two commissioners from AOD.

It was really nice to see how excited they were for their commissions, even though I barely started on either of theirs before the con was over.

But seriously, I feel very touched that they liked my work that much. Thank you guys, I've honestly never had that happen to me before and to get that kind of reception from what I love doing is very heartwarming.

Chibi Commission Collection: RiaruJack

Commissions requested by RiaruJack

So when I went to AOD Artist Alley, yeah I was AOD but completely unprepared so much that I forgot to post it online *shot*

Anyways I encountered a lot of great people there, and just as many great commissioners. Usually I get a lot of great comments and returning commissioners after ordering from me once, but these two in particular pretty much instantly commissioned me and then came back to commission me a second time even before the 1st day was over. This is one of them.