Friday, August 24, 2012

Anime Angel's I: Snow's Descent

Finally getting around to posting the works that I wasn't allowed to post yet.

Around Fanime last year, I was approached by someone at my booth promoting about an artbook collaboration with several other artists around the world and asked if I would like to be a part of it. I didn't too much about it, but said sure anyways, what did I have to lose? Several months later I'm getting emails from the them in a group email that included many other talented artists and I was first like "What is this?...OH! That thing back in Fanime!" So several months later, the group Maron Media has given birth to the Anime Angel's Artbook~

So in result I made two pieces for the artbook, this being the first of them.
There was a note at the end of the emails when we were first starting to mix it up a bit, since 75% of the art was most likely going to be of pretty girls with wings. So I went less happy, cheerful themes. It was fun~

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